Just above: the bookmarklet. You need to put it in your browser's Bookmarks Toolbar; do that by either dragging it there, or by using the right-click menu.
A bookmarklet is almost like a regular old bookmark. But, instead of it storing a URL, it stores code — most often, JavaScript code.
When you click a bookmark, you get taken to the URL; when you click a bookmarklet, that piece of code is executed.
So, basically, bookmarklets allow programmers to encapsulate code — possibly very complicated code, like Readable — into nice little buttons, to which you then have one click access to.
The Bookmarks Toolbar is something that every browser has. It's purpose is to store bookmarks you access very frequently.
Now, because bookmarklets are basically just bookmarks, they fit right in. As a matter of fact, many people only use the Bookmarks Toolbar to store various bookmarklets — while storing their actual bookmarks in the hidden away Bookmarks Menu, or a folder on the Bookmarks Toolbar.
In case your Bookmarks Toolbar isn't visible, here's how to make it show up:
You're on a iPhone, iPod, or iPad. Unfortunately, that means that you can't just drag-and-drop the bookmarklet to your Bookmarks Toolbar — because you don't have one.
Instead, you have to manually copy the code above, and then add it as a Bookmark.
Tinker with the selects under Choose Style, on the left: for every option, you can either select a predefined value, or insert your own custom value. The Preview pane will update accordingly.
When you've settled on a style, put the the bookmarklet in your browser's Bookmarks Toolbar; do that by either dragging it there, or by using the right-click menu — just like you would for a regular bookmark.
That's it. Make sure you read "How To Use" as well, and you're set to go. Happy reading.
Whenever you're on an article page, no matter the website, just click the Readable bookmarklet; a reformatted version of the article will appear on top of the original page.
"What's an article page?", you ask; good question. An article page is any page that contains one large block of text — like, for example, all newspaper articles. Readable is only designed to automatically process these kinds of pages.
On any other type of page, you can still take advantage of Readable, but in manual mode: simply select the text you would like Readable to display, and then click the bookmarklet.
When you're done reading, double-click the background to dismiss the Readable overlay.
Tinker with the selects under Choose Style, on the left: for every option, you can either select a predefined value, or insert your own custom value. The Preview pane will update accordingly.
That's it. Make sure you read "How To Install" as well, and you're set to go.
Copy the JavaScript link, which si just plain old HTML code, to your website's pages — preferably, only to article pages.
"What's an article page?", you ask; good question. An article page is any page that contains one large block of text — like, for example, all newspaper articles. Readable is only designed to automatically process these kinds of pages.
Also, please note that you can modify the link: you can change its caption, or you can wrap it around an image.
You can modify the way Readable parses your page, by adding special CSS Classes to HTML elements on the page.
A few predefined styles themes you can choose from. Click to activate. If you'd like to design a style for Readable, get in touch.
A few predefined color themes you can choose from. Click to activate. If you'd like to design a color for Readable, get in touch.
One or more Font Families, in quotes — separated by commas, if more. The first Font Family that is available on your computer will be used. You can also use most of the Font Families available in Google's Font Directory.
One or more Font Families, in quotes — separated by commas, if more. The first Font Family that's available will be used. You can also use most of the Font Families available in Google's Font Directory.
One or more Font Families, in quotes — separated by commas, if more. The first Font Family that's available will be used. You can also use most of the Font Families available in Google's Font Directory.
Pixels, Points, or Percentage.
Number (multiplication factor), Pixels, Points, or Percentage.
EMs (1em = current font size), Pixels, or Percentage.
Hexadecimal or RGB color.
Hexadecimal or RGB color.
Hexadecimal or RGB color.
Enter any custom CSS that you would like applied to the page.
Enter the absolute URL to a small logo image that you would like displayed at the top of the Readable overlay.
Enter the absolute URL to a custom JavaScript file that you would like executed after Readable loads.